ATNP Working Group 1 Sub-Group 2 Information on the ATNP Archive and Electronic Mailing Lists

ATNP Working Group 1 Sub-Group 2 Information on
the ATNP Archive and Electronic Mailing Lists

1. Scope and Purpose of this Paper

This document identifies the mail list used for communication among the members of the WG1 SG2 (Security) subgroup of the ATN Panel and describes the structure of the WG1SG2 section of the ATNP Archive server maintained by the French DGAC.

This paper contains a detailed description of only the files resident in the WG1SG2 section of the archive. A separate readme file located at the root of the archive (i.e. /atnp) describes the complete architecture of the archive, identifies all mail lists and describes the procedures to be used to access the archive.

2. The ATNP Mailing Lists

2.1 General Information on the Mailing Lists

In support of the ATNP activities, electronic mail distribution lists have been established on a CENA machine in Toulouse (France). These lists have been established to support technical discussions, and ATN SARPs development and maintenance activities. A complete description of the lists exists in the readme file located at the root of the archive.

The Security sub-group mailing list is as follows:

Type of the list: open

List owner: The Chairman of SG2 (Mike Bigelow)

Purpose: This list is used for communications regarding Working Group 1, Sub-group 2 members.

3. The ATNP Archive

3.1 Location and Content of the ATNP Archive

The ATNP Archive is located on one of CENA's UNIX machines in Toulouse, France. The archive server consists of an FTP server giving either read or write access to a number of directories in which archived files are stored. The main directory structure that holds the archive is described in Section 3.2 .

The Internet address of the ATNP Archive server is:

The login name to access this server is: atnp

The password to be used for this login name is: upplval

The archive is normally accessible for up- or downloading of files all the time. Transfers should actually be faster outside of CENA's business hours. Interruptions of service are exceptional and users are usually warned of planned interruptions (e.g. caused by preventive maintenance) through the list " atnp_general ".

The archive mainly contains engineering versions of SARPs and Guidance Material, working papers, information papers, flimsies presented at working group or sub-group meetings, and reports of meetings. It is the shared responsibility of the users to update the content of the archive. When a CENA or STNA representative attends a meeting, they will usually bring back the files archived by the secretariat of the meeting. In any case, the rapporteurs should check with the manager of the archive whether all the files they want on the archive are available.

3.2 Structure of the ATNP Archive

The structure of the ATNP Archive is modified from time to time in order to better suit the work program of the ATNP.

The figure on the next page illustrates the current structure.

The wg1 directory hosts materials specific to the ATN Working Group 1 and its three sub-groups. At the moment, this directory consists of one common subdirectory, wg1/WPs , which contains the WG1 working papers and reports, and one sub-directory per sub-group (i.e. the sub-directories wg1/sg1 , wg1/sg2 , and wg1/sg3 ). For each sub-group directory, only one branch exists at the moment: WPs. The working papers for WG1SG2 are collected into zip files by meeting number.

There are a number of files at the sg2 sub-directory level. These are the various meeting reports of the group, the chairs reports to WG1, the current status files and the current work products of the group. While the names are fairly evident a key is provided below.

M<#>rpt - are the minutes of the meetings.

Chairs_report_# - is the report of the sub-group activities provided to WG1, WG2 and WG3.

Status - contains three sections. The Deliverable status, action list and current issues.

Sarps - is the current version of the Core, Sub-Volume 1 and Sub-Volume 8 Sarps.

GM - is the current version of the Guidance Material.

3.3 How to put a document on the Archive and get a document from the Archive

Instructions for putting and getting documents are best retrieved from the readme file at the /atnp root of the Archive. This can be done via ftp (put and get) and Web Browser(get only).

3.4 Management of the ATNP Archive

The archive manager should be contacted via E-mail at the alias:

The ATNP Archive is actually co-managed by:

Thomas Kircher (CENA)
Address: 7, avenue E. Belin
BP 4005
F-31055 TOULOUSE Cedex 4

Tel: +33 5 62 25 95 57
Fax: +33 5 62 25 95 99


Christine Ricci (STNA)
Address: 1, avenue du Dr Grynfogel
BP 1084
F-31035 TOULOUSE Cedex

Tel: +33 5 62 14 54 82
Fax: +33 5 62 14 54 01

In case you have a problem using the ATNP archive, you can contact them, but please do not forget that the ATNP Archive is a free service provided by the French DGAC. The archive manager and his deputy are not "ATNP employees" and consequently, one should preferably try to solve any problem encountered in using the ATNP Archive by reading this document again before contacting them. Using the alias ensures that both co-managers get your message, and that requests are not stuck pending the availability of one of them.