ADSRFMessageSetVersion1 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- ASN.1 components specific to the version 2 ARF protocol are specified after extensibility markers Version 1 implementations ignore these fields. IMPORTS AbortReason, ADSEmergencyReport, ADSReport,AircraftAddress, EventTypeReported, ADSEmergencyUrgencyStatus FROM ADSMessageSetVersion1; ADSRFPDUs ::= CHOICE { aDS-forwarded-report-PDU [0] ADSForwardedReport, aDS-provider-abort-PDU [1] AbortReason, ..., aDS-enhanced-forwarded-report-PDU [2] EnhancedADSForwardedReport } ADSForwardedReport ::= SEQUENCE { aircraftAddress AircraftAddress, forwardedADSReport ForwardedReport } ForwardedReport::= CHOICE { aDSDemandReport [0] ADSReport, aDSPeriodicReport [1] ADSReport, aDSEventReport [2] SEQUENCE { event-type EventTypeReported, aDSReport ADSReport }, aDSEmergencyReport [3] ADSEmergencyReport } EnhancedADSForwardedReport ::= SEQUENCE { aircraftAddress [0] AircraftAddress, forwardedADSReport [1] ForwardedReport, emergency-urgency-status [2] ADSEmergencyUrgencyStatus OPTIONAL, ... } END -- of ADSRFMessageSetVersion1